European Testate Amoeba dataset: an interactive visualisation

Screenshot of the Tableau Dashboard. Available [here] and at the end of this post.
I’ve recently been working with Dr Graeme Swindles (University of Leeds) and Dr Matt Amesbury (University of Exeter) on producing an interactive visualisation based on their European Testate Amoeba dataset.  Testate amoebae are microscopic, unicellular shelled protozoa that are abundant in a range of wetlands, including peatlands. Study of fossil testate amoebae allows for the reconstruction of ancient hydrological variability. Amesbury and Swindles were the lead authors of a group that published Development of a new pan-European testate amoeba transfer function for reconstructing peatland palaeohydrology in Quaternary Science Reviews (Volume 152, 15 November 2016) []. They placed their dataset in the public domain under a Creative Commons licence, allowing others access to reanalyse and re-examine their data, and incorporate it into future research. The dataset is presented as an Excel sheet and, the authors themselves admit, is difficult to comprehend. I’ve been working with them over the last few months to create a visualisation in Tableau Public that dynamically presents Taxa data at geographical, site, and sample levels. The resulting dashboard looks simple, but a significant amount of time & effort went in to paring it back to its essentials, while presenting the data in an appropriate and meaningful way.

If there are issues with this embedded version, try the dashboard on my Tableau Public page [here]


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