United States Federal Executive Orders

Screenshot of the Tableau Dashboard. Available [ here ] and at the end of this post. [Note: the dashboard is best viewed in Full Screen (F11) Mode] Back in early 2016, when Trump was still seen as unelectable, he directed a portion of his Twitter barrage against President Obama on the latter’s use of Federal Executive Orders . I’m not going to pretend that I’m so politically astute that these comments caught my attention at that time. However, when commentators started to contrast Trump’s statements with his actions once in office, I immediately felt that this was a place where a visualisation of the data would be of use and interest. In my defence, I would note that I’m not so naïve that I believe that actual facts and figures hold sway any longer in either US or British politics … we can but try! The datasource My initial experimentations and explorations of this data started with the List of United States federal executive orders Wiki page. This is quite high-level d...